Why It’s So Hard to Keep Weight Off
Did you know that your fat cells are supposed to communicate? But as we age, it gets harder and harder for our fat cells to send and receive messages — the messages that tell fat cells to open up and release stubborn fat from your body. That's why your body hoards more and more fat over the years, making diet and exercise far less effective at maintaining your weight.

The Power Of Omega-7
I’m sure you’ve heard of a certain oil called “Omega 3”. And how it’s one of the healthiest kinds of oil to take on a daily basis.
The typical American diet contains plenty of omega-6s, but is woefully deficient in omega-3s and monounsaturated fats. This has led to a consensus to eat more foods rich in omega-3s (fish and some nuts) and monounsaturated fats (from olive oil and some nuts), less saturated fats, and no hydrogenated fats.
Scientists at Harvard Medical School and the Cleveland Clinic have been investigating a unique fatty acid that has not yet caught on in the mainstream. : Omega-7
Omega-7 is like a distant cousin to Omega 3. But potentially with much more power.
This novel fatty acid called omega-7 can help break the cycle of erratic blood sugar unpredictable lipid levels, excess fat gain, as well as enhance insulin sensitivity.
Ultra Omega Burn™
The Omega-7 of Choice
Ultra Omega BurnTM contains Omega-7, the unique fatty acid that helps fat-cells communicate with each other.
Allowing the “bad fat” in your body to no longer be stored, but rather to be released and shed. This makes it easier for the cells to keep the lines of communication open.
They believe Omega 7’s ability to keep inflammation levels healthy is the key to allowing your fat cells to be able to receive the signals it was intended to.
When researchers put fat cells in a petri dish and added Omega-7... They were able to actually see and measure the fatty acids leaving the cells!
It looks like a fine, pure, edible oil. Only a very small amount was needed in the body to start seeing results on many levels like this:
- Encourage fat cells to communicate to aid in weight loss with proper diet and exercise*
- Keep blood sugar levels in balance*
- Maintain and promote clean healthy arteries*
- Helps to maintain cholesterol levels*
- Maintains proper digestive function by strengthening and lining the digestive tract*
- Maintain skin healthy, looking radiant, plump and keep fine lines at bay*
Get your own dose of Omega-7 through Ultra Omega BurnTM today.