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 Hi, it’s Derek Evans** again, and I want to congratulate you on making a great decision to get my Ultra Omega Burn.

Make sure you stay on this page, and that you don’t accidentally hit the back button…Because right now, you’re in the right place. We’re getting your order ready... so you’re now well on your way to burning fat off those stubborn areas…

But, before we do that, let me ask you a question…

Is your body in tip-top shape to take advantage of a slimmer figure ?

What I mean is…Are you healthy most of the time? Are you free from feeling constantly fatigued? Are you sleeping well every night? Are you able to move gracefully without aches and pains? And, are you looking younger than you actually are?

If you said no to any of these questions…You may need to listen carefully…

Because the truth is…A slim, toned body is the symbol of health and youth on the outside

But that’s not the same as being healthy and youthful on the inside. Because, due to a poor diet and environmental toxins, your body might actually be aging prematurely on the inside.

But what if there was a way you could be as healthy on the inside as you will soon look on the outside?

What if you could rewind time on toxin abuse inside your body… and the premature aging it causes?

What if You Could Improve Your Recovery From Exercise?

What if you could get help to detox your body naturally?

And… what if your appearance seems to grow younger every day?

That would be incredible, right? I mean, that sounds almost too good to be true.

But — What if there WAS a way to do that?

Well there is.

And it’s called GRSUltra

Let me explain how it works…

Do you remember how Ultra Omega Burn gets your body working the way it was designed to?

How your fat cells can finally open up and release fat...And do you remember how then you can finally burn away fat… Without following a strict diet and exercising excessively?

And... do you remember how Ultra Omega Burn also prevents you from gaining fat in the first place?

Well, GRSUltra works in a similar way. GRSUltra gets your body working the way it was designed to…By helping you actively produce what scientists call the “master antioxidant”.

It essentially seeks out and recycles free radicals…That cause havoc to your immune system...And instead what would otherwise be unhealthy, dying cells…Protects them…Leaving them as fresh, strong cells that radiate with energy and life.

GRSUltra does this even when environmental toxins are producing free radicals faster than your diet and exercise can keep up with.

This means your body will work the way it was always designed to…

Simply… you could avoid getting sick so often. And this level of prevention keeps you healthy, active, and looking younger.

So you can feel radiant…And take advantage of the new, slimmer body you’re going for.

Now you might be thinking…This sounds good, but what exactly is GRSUltra? Well first, let me explain how it was discovered…

You see —

Scientists found that the people of a certain remote island had robust health. As it turns out, the people who live there…

Are healthier ...

Have longer life expectancies…

Much lower obesity rates...

And generally, have less severe health issues…Than most of us here in the United States.

What is this island?

It’s Iceland. And the health secret found there isn’t about all the fish they eat.

It actually has to do with key minerals…These minerals are found in abundance all across the country. And they super-charge their food supply…Strengthening their God-given ability to enhance health better than any man-made remedy.

What’s more…These minerals are basically missing from our Standard American Diets.

But how can this be?

The short answer...Toxic commercial farming.

You see, since 1954, farmers have been using synthetic fertilizers to boost crop yield. But in doing so…They have been stripping these key minerals from our soil...Sulfur and selenium.

And when scientists delved deeper into these two minerals…They found that both have significant effects on your body. When they are absorbed… They boost your body’s ability to produce the “master antioxidant” that I mentioned earlier.

This “master antioxidant” is called glutathione. And when it surges through your body…It helps your body’s natural ability to remove toxins from your body…To maintain fresh, strong cells that radiate with energy and life.

And GRSUltra is the best way I know how to do this.

When you add GRSUltra to your order today, you’ll get…

6 bottles of GRSUltra…And of course, the Ultra Omega Burn you originally ordered.

Not only will you feel slim and confident with Ultra Omega Burn…

You’ll age gracefully...

You’ll move with youthful mobility…

Your skin stays radiant...

You have more energy to be active

You feel youthful and energetic… like someone 20 years younger!

Sounds really amazing, right?

I know that’s a lot of promises…But I’ve had people writing in…Letting me know of their personal experiences…And getting these kinds of results for themselves.

When you simply allow your body to remove toxins…Your body begins to heal itself. It’s really that simple.

Alright, let me tell you how you can get GRSUltra for yourself right now.

GRSUltra normally sells on our website for $299.70 for a shipment of 6 bottles.

But since you purchased Ultra Omega Burn today…I’m going to make you a special offer that I’ve never made before. You won’t have to pay the regular price of $299.70 like everyone else.

Because I’ll let you have it for less than half of that!

When you add GRSUltra to your order today…

I’ll give you 6 bottles for just $139.97.

That’s about 77 cents a day for a 6-month supply!

Sounds like a fair deal if you ask me. And more than worth it when you think about all the health benefits you receive.

But I do need to mention that this is a special one-time offer…And you will not see GRSUltra at this price ever again. Many of our customers have left this page…And then emailed me later to see if they can still get this offer.

But in fairness to others who take advantage of this special price…I have to make this a one-time deal.

So, if you want to take advantage of this special deal on GRSUltra…

This is your only chance.

So here’s what you need to do now…

Some information should pop up below this video right now. This info will show you exactly what you’re getting when you add GRSUltra to your order today.

To recap…

On top of your original order of Ultra Omega Burn...You’ll get 6 bottles of GRSUltra.

Like I said, we normally sell this amount of GRSUltra for $299.70. But since you ordered Ultra Omega Burn today…I’m letting you have 6 bottles of GRSUltra for just $139.97. That’s a savings of almost $160 off the regular price.

And as always, I want you to know that your order is backed by our iron-clad, 365-day money back guarantee.

If you don’t like GRSUltra for any reason…Just send back the bottles, even if you’ve used them up… And we’ll happily refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.

Sound good?

So here’s what you need to do now...

If you’re ready to:

Turn back time inside your cells…

Protect those cells from the inside and out…

And enjoy robust health, while aging gracefully...

Then scroll down on this page and simply click the big “Yes, Add To Cart” button to add GRSUltra to your order.

I know you and your family will be thrilled by the get-up-and-go it will add to your life.

So go ahead right now and add GRSUltra to your order by simply scrolling down on this page and clicking on the big “Yes, Add To Cart” button.

No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE savings for now realizing I will NEVER have this opportunity again










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